The payment module of the system allows to manage the financial relations between the company and its customers, partners (suppliers and counteragents).
There are two types of payment in the system: output and input. The outputs are the so-called expenses of the company, the inputs are the payments made to it. To reach the Payments section, either click on the "Payment" box on the main page, or in the side menu of any page, click on the "Payments" section and select the "Pay" line.
Add Payment Input
From the main menu select the "Payment" section then press the "Input" button and start to fill in rows:
- From order invoices - Select an option. Two types of invoices are created during the order editing phase: main and incorporations. When paying, you must first indicate for which group of invoices you are going to register the transaction. The "Only main" option is marked by default in the system. As a rule, the main payers are the company's customers, and the "Customer" option is selected by default. This field is recuired.
- From - Choose on whose behalf the payment is registered: Customer or Partner (Supplier). You needn't choose "From order invoices" if you select "Partner".
- Storage - Choose the storage which are going to inventor.
- Payment method - Select "Payment Method" to update the Company's cash balances.
- Amount - Indicate the amount to be entered in the "Amount" line.
- Currency - The currency in which the payment is made is fixed after choosing the payment method.
- Date - Date automatically set the date of the given day by default. You can change it.
- Invoice - You can select the necessary invoice if the payment is made for a specific invoice.In the sample line, the invoices are shown by the following logic: the first number is the invoice code, the second is invoice amount and currency. If the invoice was generated on the basis of the order, then the order is written "Order" and its "id". And if it was generated on the basis of the output (delivery, sale) it is displayed the "Output" and its "id". Finally, if the "Output" has been created on the basis of an order, then it is shown the order of this "Output".
- Description - Set the decsription.
- Status - Status already set "Active" by default.
On your work process, when you will have necessary to remove any row just change the "Active" status to the "Passive"
From the same page you can go to the List and see your added row. See the picture.
Save information by clicking "Save".
Payment List
For filter, ordering and pagination see the Note.
Both Payment Input and Payment Output is shown in the same page. The Payment has the following sight. There are shown the Id, Type, Customer/partner, Payment method, Amount, Date, Confirmation, Status.
See the picture below:
Edit Payment Input
Editing is the easiest function in the system. For edit, you must go to the Menu → Payment → Edit.
(Click here to see how to edit.)
Click on the pencil symbol and change the row you need.
Click "Save" to save the changes.
Payment Input Details
For seeing Payment details go to Menu → Payment → Details.
(Click here to know more about details.)
Click on the mentioned symbol and you will see the details page. All information is shown on this page.
- Main - The main information the payment is shown here such as type, payment method, amount, partner or customer, registrar user, date, description, confirmation status and status.
- Invoice
It indicates the details of the invoices for which paymnet has been made if any is. It shows the sourse of the invoice, type, code, currency, the price at the time of generation, playable amount and paid amount.
- Payment per currency - Show you how mush money has been recived for each of the currencies with the active status in the system, how mush of th debt has been repaid, and what balance has been added to the customer's cashbox.