From the main menu select the "Entity type" section then press the "Add" button and start to fill in rows:
From the same page you can go to the List and see your added row. See the picture.
For filter, ordering and pagination see the List functionality.
List functionality:
- You have permission to search for any product you need with the "Filter" button. If you want to reset and return to the List page click on th section icon.
- With ordering you can sort the rows alphabetically:
from A - Z and
from Z - A
- Use the arrows for pagination
The Entity Type List has the following sight . There are shown the Id, Title, Status.
See the picture below
Editing is the easiest function in the system. For edit, you must go to the Menu → Entity type → Edit.
(Click here to see how to edit.)
Click on the pencil symbol and change the row you need.
Click "Save" to save the changes.
If you want to copy an Entity type go to the Menu → Entity type → Copy.
(Click here to see how to copy.)
Click on the mentioned symbol and copy the row you need.
Click "Save" to save the entity type you copied.
For seeing Entity type details go to Menu → Entity type → Details.
(Click here to know more about details.)
Click on the mentioned symbol and you will see the details page. All information is shown on this page. You can't edit or copy the details.