You should add your customers to the
"Customer" block where you will see all the information between you and them. The customer's responsibilities, orders and so on.
Add Customer
From the main menu select the "Customer" section then press the "Add" button and start to fill in rows:

- Code - Code for customer.
- Entity type - Customer's entity type.
- Contact Person - Customer's firstname and lastname.
- Default currency - The currency you will work with.
- Telephones - Telephone number.
- Faxes - Fax number.
- Emails - Customer's email address.
- Pricelist - The pricelist you will work with this customer. If you do not attach a specific pricelist to the customer, the system will set a default pricelist.
- Primary Address - Customer's address. The first is "Country". If you have to select the Marz and Region also, the system will offer you this fields step by step. See the picture below:

You can also write address description for example for courier to explain him shorter way to get to the required place.
- Add cashbox balance - Enter cash details by debt or cash. In other words, if the company has already worked with the customer before entering the customer's data and has a certain financial view, then in the table at the bottom of the adding page it is possible to write the data according to the active currencies in the system at that time.
- Description - Give a description to your Customer.
- Status - Status already set "Active" by default.
On your work process, when you will have necessary to remove any row just change the "Active" status to the "Passive".
From the same page you can go to the List and see your added row. See the picture.
Save information by clicking "Save".
Customer List
For filter, ordering and pagination see the Note.
The Customer has the following sight. There are shown the Id, Code, Entity type, Name, Status.
See the picture below:
Edit Customer
Editing is the easiest function in the system. For edit, you must go to the Menu → Customer → Edit.
(Click here to see how to edit.)
Click on the pencil symbol and change the row you need.
Remember, that in this case the "Entity type" is "not editable"
Click "Save" to save the changes.
Copy Customer
If you want to copy a Customer go to the Menu → Customer → Copy.
(Click here to see how to copy.)
Click on the mentioned symbol and copy the row you need.
Click "Save" to save the customer you copied.
Customer Details
For seeing Customer details go to Menu → Customer → Details.
(Click here to know more about details.)
Click on the mentioned symbol and you will see the details page. All information is shown on this page.
This Customer Details has opportunity to add and edit the following fields.
- Customer cashbox - Add cashbox or edit already existed.

- Storage relation - Attach storages that are closer or convenient to the customer. It can be one or more storages.
The balance of product is calculated by the amount of the attached storages. If you do not attache any storage to the customer it will calculate from all storages. At output the system will show you which storages are attached and closer.

- Employee relation - Connect the employees to work with them, select them from the list and leave them a comment.

- Customer relation - On the same way you can connect the Customers.

- Cashbox transfer -Show you having been added transfers․ An "Add" button allows you to transfer a currency chashbox to change another.

- Customer payment -Show the payments of the customer, this customer payment type, payment method, amount of money, payment date and confirmation status.

- Customer Orders - Add orders direct from the Customer details. By clicking on the "Customer orders" button will open the Orders page from where you can do all the functions. Click here to know more about "Customer orders".